Annual Meeting - Plan Ahead, Please

Annual Meeting - Plan Ahead, Please

Meeting Information

Bar D Owners Association (BDOA) Annual Meeting
January 12, 2019 at 11:00 AM
South Park Recreation Center
1190 Bullet Road
Fairplay, CO 80440
Dial-in Option
719-325-2630, Access code: 803316


Old Business

  • Plow truck and road grader
  • Cattle contract
  • Conference calls for future annual meetings


  • President’s Report
  • Treasurer’s Report
  • Secretary’s Report
  • Cattle Manager’s Report

Board Position Elections

President – Russ Kaufmann is filling in as Interim President. The current term runs until January 2020. The duties of the President are to lead the BDOA board and ensure standard responsibilities are completed by all board members and to review and address ad hoc owner requests.

Treasurer – Brittany Eldridge is leaving the ranch and expects to have moved out before the annual meeting. The term of the Treasurer runs from January 2018, to January 2020. The election will be to fill the position until January 2020 when it will be available for election for a new term of two years. The Treasurer needs to be bonded and is responsible for BDOA finances, bank accounts, paying bills approved by the Board, handling change of property owners, sending bills for dues/late charges, filing the Agriculture Status Forms and filing liens when necessary.

Secretary – Annabelle Kaufmann agreed to fill the position at our last annual meeting. The position is up for election this January, 2019. It is a two year term that will run from January 2019 until January 2021. The Secretary duties include managing the email account for the BDOA, maintaining the membership list, minutes of meetings, and correspondence to members, including newsletter and flyers.

Cattle Manager – John Randazzo currently fills this position, and he plans to continue until the of the term in January 2020.

Member at Large – Amy Hileman currently fills this position, and she plans to continue until the end of the term in January 2020.

Any owners interested and willing to serve in any of these positions should contact the Board.

New Business

Closing Comments