Bar D Ranch Board Meeting Minutes - 7/3/2020

Bar D Ranch Board Meeting Minutes  -  7/3/2020

BAR D Board Meeting Minutes
Where: Lot 94
When: July 3, 2020

In person Meeting was held by the board. This has been the first meeting since our annual Association meeting due to the COVID Pandemic [Meeting Minutes- Attachment 1]. The meeting was held outside.

Reason for Meeting

Stephen Winkler – Treasurer

Russ Kaufmann – President

Celeste Jain – Member at Large, Road Committee Chair

Daphne Patton – Secretary

The Board will follow the Covenants and Bylaws to remove any Board member.


The Board is optomistic about our grader efforts so we can get to the work of getting the roads in shape for winter.

Meeting Minutes- Attachment 1.

Operator Agreement- Attachment 2.

Covenants- Attachment 4.