Bar D Ranch '24 Dues

Bar D Ranch '24 Dues

Hello Ranch owners:

As a part of the Our Ranch new website powered Google Cloud Platform and Ghost we will be leveraging technology provided not only by Google Cloud but also Zapier ( and Stripe ( Both of those service providers are very well known in the technology industry.

As Bill Hooper is a Cloud Technology Officer within the Counterintelligence community for years and Public and Private sector; and as Ranch President, we as the Board can share there is great deal of capability here that will be most appreciated by our Ranch Owners. Bill has led the work to get us to this point with 100% oversight from our Board. Yes, several test payments will be made long before the new year's dues expectations and we will share that so that everyone will see the result of that transaction for their own comfort level.

Nearly everyone in Our Ranch Community has made online payments prior so we aren't approaching anything new but will be new to our specific Ranch Owners Community. Here's a visual of what a typical transaction looks like when an online payment is made. We are following that.

We will make any payment to or from Owners to the Ranch and vice versa much easier and seamless.

One of the main reasons for approaching and embracing this way of accepting and making payments is our snail mail is sometimes flawed in their delivery; and sending out certified mail to everyone is also not financially prudent.

Additionally, we as Board Members are spending too much time in not only getting mail sent out for dues but also in tracking and processing checks. At times into the month of June/July which is not only a disservice to our owners but to our Board. Yes, the cost associated with mailings is also rather excessive and candidly not a prudent way of spending about $300.

Yes, we are aware of several owners that do not align with any technology and rely on USPS for their financial efforts and we will continue to support them. Bill has spoken with several of them (total of 4; both local and out of state) and there are folks out there that truly live in a disconnected state which is shared with a sense of respectful humor.

Bar D Ranch is taking Ranching to the Next Level!!

For those Members that have seen a change or two regarding the Payment button below: We made a couple of changes to the payment form to allow short answers (Name/Lot and Phone#) instead of options or multiple choice. We have made many $1 test payments; from a Mac laptop and mobile devices directly from the website/button listed below. We have confirmation of all payments AND the data points for name, phone# and Lot# were captured as well.