2024 Bar D Ranch Potluck and Annual Meeting. Please bring your favorite dish to share. No need for a sign up sheet...just come out and share.
The annual Owners meeting has been scheduled for August 17; to date we've had a great deal enthusiasm from owners to attend. Come and enjoy the positive energies from our owners and community family.
It will be available to dial in from any platform (computer, mobile, etc)
The general meeting agenda will be per the below and and like every decision of the Bar D Ranch, it has been vetted and agreed upon by all Board Members.
- 1000-1200 Social time and lunch; 1200-1300 Introduction of attendees (in person and remote);
- Review of Covenants and Bylaws and Board requirements and our Park County Ordinance requirements; Ranching 101 (what makes a working ranch run, what makes it fail)
- Review of past year projects, finances, budget for 2024; 1300-1330 Q&A from Owners; 1330-1345 long term plans (cattle program, roads, fencing);
- 1345-1400 How can owners participate and contribute to the ranching operation of Bar D; many have already offered their time and resources from afar (out of state) and locally.