Culvert and Road Work

An update should have been provided a couple of weeks ago, but better late than never. Smile


We replaced 13 culverts and cleaned out 17 other culverts. “We” means imagethat Greg Hewitt did some fantastic work and Celeste Jain did an amazing job of documenting and tracking everything with the help of some individuals on the road committee.
While doing the work, we also did some work for some of the residents. They all reimbursed the BDOA for the labor, materials, and a share of the backhoe rental. It is nice that we were able to take advantage of the backhoe while it was here.

Road Work

Again, thanks to the road committee, we were able to get the grader imagein for much needed repairs and maintenance. While we were waiting for the grader to come back, our road committee evaluated the condition of the roads and began planning the next steps.
While I am sure that not everyone agrees about the priorities, we will strive to get as much done as possible when we have appropriate weather to get the work done.

NOTE: These images are in the documents section of the BDOA website at