Hunting Season
As several of us know, it is hunting season and many of the owners at the Bar D are hunters. It is probably a good time to remind everyone of a several important points:
-Private Land – The Bar D is private property, andElk we hold leases for the BLM and State lands within the Bar D Ranch. That means that the public does not have access via our roads to the BLM and State land on the Bar D.
-Owner Permission – To hunt on any property owned by individuals on the Bar D, you must have their permission.
-Guest Access– Per the Covenant and Bylaws, guests must be escorted by the property owner, and hunting guests are limited to four.
-Public Hunting – Public hunting is not allowed on the Bar D Ranch, and unescorted hunters are trespassing on the Bar D Ranch and can be prosecuted.
-Colorado Parks and Wildlife Role – Please do not confront hunters that are trespassing if you do not feel comfortable. In the event you do run into a trespasser, and feel comfortable doing so, let them know that the Bar D Ranch is private land and they are trespassing and need to leave immediately. The Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) Wildlife Technicians (Game Wardens) may be contacted as well as the Park County Sheriff’s office. Please see the Important Links section on this website for contact information.
-Bar D Owners Association Board Role – The BDOA Board has no role in the enforcement of trespass laws other than referring issues back to the owners involved and taking action as an owner at the Bar D Ranch.
-Owners Role – Owners that have trespassers need to contact the Park County Sheriff. We recommend taking pictures to support claims of trespass. Illegal hunting issues may be referred to the CPW.
Please remember that hunting includes inherent dangers. Please do not take any actions that expose you, you families, or other residents to dangerous behaviors.