Snow Removal and Drifts
Please refer to the Snow Removal Policy and the Covenants and Bylaws for more information about the Bar D Owners Association (BDOA) and snow removal.
To highlight some key information, please note:
- We all live in a remote area that is notorious for its inclement weather conditions.
- We all choose to live here, whether full-time or part-time.
- The BDOA budgets $2,000 per year for snow removal.
- The policy calls for plowing when we have 8” or more of snow.
- We are all responsible for making provisions to be self-reliant and prepared at all times for any conditions, especially those that are common, like snow drifting.
Currently, the BDOA has provisions for plowing after a storm. However, the BDOA does not have the funds required to continuously clear drifts. Drifting can be an issue for several days after a snow storm and after the roads have been cleared.
Future Plans
At the annual meeting, we reconstituted the road committee. This new committee will take on responsibility for making recommendations to the board on how we can better maintain our roads.
We expect that one recommendation will include installing some snow fencing to help mitigate drifts. However, snow fencing can’t be installed until this Spring/Summer. We also expect that a recommendation will be made to start building up our roads to make them higher than the sides of the roads so that drifts will be less likely to accumulate on the roads.
Once we have some of these recommendations and pricing on them, we will prioritize them and work with the committee to complete them according to budget and the priorities.
Special Note
A Communication Plan was sent out with the annual mailer. Please use the communication channels outlined in the Communication Plan.
It is also vital that everyone respect the trespass laws of Colorado. For more information please see the Colorado Revised Statutes 18-4-502, 18-4-503, and 18-4-504. This has been an issue in the past and is still an issue regarding trespass on board member properties.
Just because somebody is a member of the board, it does not mean that any resident of the Bar D Ranch can ignore trespass signs.