Updates - July 27, 2019

Some of you may have noticed some paint in what appear to be random locations around the Bar D Ranch roads. Also, I am sure many have noticed that the road grader is still not back. We hope these updates help to keep everyone informed.

Culvert Work

The paint is there to mark the different culverts that are scheduled for work. Different colors were painted to note the different priorities.

We had gravel delivered, yesterday, to help with the culvert replacements to help provide proper drainage. The work is scheduled to start in the next few days. We have rented a backhoe that will be delivered this coming week, and Greg Hewitt will be doing the work.

Grader Status

The grader has been in for maintenance for a few weeks now, and we are still waiting on an estimate for the work that will be required. The board is calling the shop on a regular basis trying to get the work moving forward.

New Equipment

The road committee and the board have continued to look at alternatives. We are evaluating heavy equipment, such as a front-end loader, snow blowers, and lighter equipment as well. Currently, we are looking at some used heavy equipment, and are fighting with financing issues and the budget.


The board is hard at work, and special kudos go to Celeste Jain. She has been doing an amazing job on behalf of the Bar D Owners Association. We are so lucky to have her helping out and managing so much of this work. Kudos to Greg, of course, for stepping up to help out. We appreciate his contributions.